Thursday, January 21, 2010

God is good!

Well we can pretty much all ignore my last post at this point. I had pretty much given up any hope of getting pregnant (or even ovulating for that matter) without some serious drugs. The point I am at now is just a starting off point so the meds won't make me too sick but I have had some serious doubts wether or not it's even worth it....
Well let me tell you.....IT IS!!!

I went to my doc on Wed and I was pleasantly surprised, I am ovulating! For the first time in my life I am working correctly! There is one egg, one beautiful perfect egg ready to go and tomorrow I go in to see if it has done it's job. If it has and it has been released from my ovary they are going to inseminate me! woo hoo! If it's not ready they are going to give me a dose of HCG which in turn will release my egg, then I can go in on Saturday to be inseminated! So either way we are giving it our best shot this weekend!

Oh I am so nervous, this could be it. It only has to take one time. It might take more but this really could be it! I am praying so hard, Lord let your will be done!

This is also a blessing for us finanacially, because I haven't had to use the injectibles like we thought it is a fraction of the cost that we expected. Thus if it doesn't work we are going to be able to afford to try this multiple times! Praise the Lord oh my soul Praise the Lord!

Pray for me tomorrow and for the next month, it is going to be a very long month waiting to find out wether or not this has worked, pray for patience and pray that if this is the month when God will bless Bryan and I with our baby that he will cradle that baby and protect it from harm!

whew deep breath now and I am off Pray hard for me and Bryan!

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