Wednesday, October 6, 2010

One week left!

So here I am just about 39 weeks pregnant and very anxious for the big day! Next week is going to be a busy, crazy, exciting week. On top of thursday being my due date. Wednesday is my birthday! And then to top it all off Saturday is Bryan and my 6th wedding anniversary! This will be the first year of many busy weeks in october!

Well today I went to the doctor for my weekly checkup and they noticed that for several weeks in a row my blood pressure was elevated and that I was having continued swelling in my feet and my hands. Today was the first time anything had been mentioned to me about any of it being a concern but they did suggest that I was displaying early signs of pre-eclampsia. As of now I have not been diagnosed with anything but it is something they want to watch me for. This can be a very serious condiditon and bad for me and baby but they were also able to check me and he was pleased to see that I am in a good sitiation for being induced if it comes to that. Thankfully this has presented itself when I am plenty far along to deliver and the health of the baby once delivered is not a concern. This could be very terrifying if I were not as far as I am. Praise God. So I go back in on Friday afternoon (2 days away) to see if I am still showing the same signs I have been and until I have heard otherwise I am on modified bed rest. Meaning I can move around but I pretty much need to be lying down at least half of the day. Good thing it won't be for very long cause I am getting pretty restless!

I will re-post when I know more!
Thanks for your prayers and I hope you all keep swimming!