Tuesday, September 7, 2010

34 weeks

Well I am now 34 1/2 weeks along and getting sooo ready to see this baby! I wonder so much if it's a boy or a girl. If he/she will look more like me or Bryan. I am just so curious to meet this baby inside of me!

So far everything has been going pretty well with the pregnancy. However at my last appoitment the doctor mentioned that he had noticed a pattern of me measuring bigger than I am supposed to be. It started off pretty minor but last time it was up to 3 cm bigger. So basically I am measuring full term even though I am still only 34 weeks. So they decided that at my next appoitment they would measure me again and if it still looks like I am measuring big they will do another ultra sound to see for sure what is going on. If this baby is as big as they think then they will want to talk to me about inducing a little early to prevent a difficult delivery. I suppose that would be the lesser of two evils. I have never known anyone who was induced who didn't have a difficult delivery but I also don't want to risk having to have a c-section because I can't deliver a large baby. So I go in on the 16th for my next appoitment and we will know a lot more then.
It should be interesting either way!

Otherwise I am sore and tired and ready for this baby! I am doing my best to just keep swimming!

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